By Ergul Haliscelik, Project Coordinator, Heinz College , Carnegie Mellon University , Pittsburgh USA, 2009
Many international funding organizations are operating in Turkey to provide assistance in social and economic issues, often generating positive effects. Among these organizations, the IMF, World Bank and EU supported projects, programs, and funds are vital for Turkey. They have supported stabilization policies, economic and social reforms, sustainable development projects and programs through their grants, credits and loans.
While the operations of the IMF, World Bank, and EU have positive effects in countries like Turkey, their assistance could be even more successful. If these three organizations could focus on the needs of specific countries and collaborate effectively, they have the potential to achieve even more. Further, it is imperative that borrower countries help these three organizations to be economic, efficient and effective in their activities....
Çalışmalarınızdaki tespitlerinize katılıyorum, fonların verimliliğini artırabilmek için gerek finansal kuruluşların kendi arasında gerekse Türkiye'de kurumlar arasında bir eşgüdümün olması gerekir. Özellikle günümüzde bı koordinasyona çok dha fazla ihtiyaç var.
YanıtlaSilEmrah Deniz